How to Finish a Puffy Needlepoint Ornament

One of my Online Finishing Class students reached out asking how to recreate a cute puffy ornament from the 90s! I've created this video for her and wanted to share it with you all. 💕 Happy finishing!

Learn more about the Online Ornament Finishing Class here. 


  • Stitched ornament
  • Cording
  • Backing fabric (cotton velveteen works really well for this project)
  • Stuffing
  • Invisible thread


  • Sharp needle
  • Pins
  • Sewing machine
  • Ruler
  • Sharp scissors
  • Iron 


1. Place the canvas and your backing fabric right sides together. Pin together in several places.

2. Sew the ornament together along the stitching edge, leaving at least an inch and a half gap at the top for the cord loop.

3. Cut notches all the way around the ornament. Make the notches triangular - taking more canvas and fabric than you usually would.

4. Gently finger press and then iron your canvas tabs down to the canvas back. This will help in the next step.

5. Gently ease your ornament right side out, pushing it through the gap you left at the top. You can steam your ornament as this relaxes the canvas and can make it a bit easier to manipulate.

6. Stuff your ornament with stuffing.

7. Make sure the gap at the top is stuffed well and the sides of the fabric and canvas at the top are folded evenly down into the ornament.

8. Follow the classic process (taught in the Online Ornament Finishing Class) to insert the cord, wrap it around the ornament counter clockwise, and create the loop. Pins are great to use here! The only difference is that the gap at the top needs to be adjusted to look its best, then pinned shut, all at the same time as you’re pinning down the cord.

9. Once you’ve pinned down the cord, created the loop, and inserted the cord end into the ornament - pin any extra areas at the top to make it look just so then you can start sewing.  

10. Sew down the cord - Begin by sewing the gap closed, sew the gap and the cord down clockwise, and use invisible thread. From the back, stitch an invisible stitch across the gap, closing it. You’re not stitching the cord except where it comes out and goes into the ornament. There you’ll need to adjust your stitch and just go back and forth a few times to get those areas sewn together and reinforced.

11. Once you’ve sewn the gap closed - continue clockwise around the ornament sewing the cording down. Instead of the typical stitch I teach - attach the cord by going from front to back, through the canvas and backing fabric, then up and over the cord, angling your thread so that it nestles down and disappears into the crease between twists. While doing this stitch you’re not actually stitching through the cord at all, it’s simply held down and in place by the invisible thread.

12. When you get back up the the top, tack down the cord where it rises up off of the canvas to create the loop. Tack it down so the cord looks nice coming off of the ornament. Then continue with your “over cord loop stitch” placing a single stitch inside the loop area. Tie off when you've stitched the entire cord down.

13. Once you’ve tied off, squish your ornament gently to help evenly distribute the stuffing within the ornament.

Congratulations on finishing a lovely puffy needlepoint ornament ! Xo Abby

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