Wildflower Background Class

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  • This class was created to educate and share my most loved background stitches - the stitches I turn to time and again.

    After taking this course on background stitches, you will be able to use these stitches for any needlepoint background, so you can have confidence and joy in stitching!

    What is included?

    Six small lovely canvases each featuring a different wildflower (painted on 18 count canvas).

    Six pre-recorded online lessons on how to stitch my favorite background stitches - spanning from Skipped Tent to Criss Cross Hungarian.

    The threads to create your own series of pretty wildflower pieces that can be turned into a gallery wall, ornaments for an easter tree, or a garland - it’s up to you!

    Access to the Abigail Cecile class community to connect, share progress, and ask questions.


    Important note: The email address you provide at checkout will be the same email you’ll use to login to the class.