Learn to Needlepoint Week 1 Materials 2


Let's gather our needlepoint supplies! Below are tips and instructions on choosing your first project. If you've already picked out your project and threads - not to worry! Don't forget to download the checklist and project planner below to make sure you have everything you need for the next lesson.

How to choose your first canvas

The single most important factor when choosing a canvas is - that you like it! You need to be inspired to pick it up and stitch, to press through the tough parts, and to love using it afterwards.

Here are a few more things to think about….

  • Design size. Choose something that is small to medium in size (3"-8”). This will ensure you don’t get overwhelmed, you’ll stitch the project fairly quickly, have the satisfaction of a finished project, and be excited to start the next!
  • Mesh count. I suggest choosing a 13 count canvas for your first piece. It’s easy to see the holes and it creates larger stitches. It also stitches up more quickly than 18 count.
  • Shading. Some designs are shaded to create natural and soft transitions between colors. While lovely, these are harder to stitch. Try to avoid shading on your first project and stick with solid colors.
  • Simplicity. Choose a project that has between 3 to 8 colors. Try to avoid too many intricate details. 


How to choose your threads

The mesh count of your canvas will determine what types of threads you can use. Threads come in many different thicknesses. Some are too thick to fit through the hole of an 18 count canvas. Some are too thin to cover a 13 count canvas well. Most threads will list the mesh size they’re meant for.

I suggest choosing from the threads listed below, they are all easy to work with and look great. (note that some threads work on both 18 and 13 count).

For 13 count

  • Silk and Ivory
  • Silk Lame Braid for 18 count (they do make a braid for 13 count but I personally think it’s too thick)
  • Pepper Pot Silk
  • DMC Pearl Cotton #3.

For 18 count

  • DMC Stranded Cotton
  • DMC Pearl Cotton #5
  • Pepper Pot Silk
  • Bella Lusso Wool
  • Silk Lame Braid for 18 count


Make a list of every color in the canvas. Pick out one skein of each color

(Note: don’t like a color? go a head and change it! The only rule on switching out colors NOT covering a dark painted area with a lighter thread, the dark canvas will show through the stitching).

If you have a large area of one color you may need more than one skein. Download this little guide to help you determine how many skeins you'll need. 




Don't forget to join the Facebook group HERE! Please do share a photo of your project - canvas and threads!

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